More About Me

As a relocation specialist, I have learned listening to buyers and sellers, has been a key to my success. I have been in the industry since 2005, fourteen years of which I have been a multi-million dollar producer achieving Diamond and Platinum awards of excellence over the past several years.

I understand the stress and emotion that comes with relocating as I have been relocated many times throughout my life. I have lived in Northwest Arkansas for 29 years. I have seen, and been a part of all the tremendous changes/growth in our beautiful community. I am active in our community and have been since moving to this area. I

truly enjoy all Northwest Arkansas has to offer, canoeing, bicycling, swimming and boating . I am licensed in the state of Arkansas and welcome all referrals. I am an approved relocation specialist for all the relocation companies, and welcome the opportunity to be a part of their home finding and home selling experience

